A lot has happened in the last 8 months. Dreamer has remained #1 Havanese All Breed all year again and we hope he continues to be #1. He won his 3rd BIS on May 1, 2011. Here is a picture of that awesome win from Judge Paula Nykiel.

In April our pool was taken over by a female Mallard Duck and her 12 ducklings after they were born in a well hidden nest behind our pool. They moved out when the ducklings were 8 weeks old and it took us a month to get the pool back to it's swimable state! Here is a picture of Daisy Duck and her 12 Ducklings.

We have wonderful weather this spring and summer. It has not been as hot as it typically can be here in the Sacramento Valley.
Travis, our 4 child, graduated from high school the end of May. We can't believe that he is old enough to graduate, but the school district and Travis claim he is!
I went back to work after being out on disability (yes, getting older isn't all fun!) in December. I made plans to attend the 2011 HCA National Specialty in North Carolina. I wasn't sure I would be able to go due to my injuries, but I was able to make it. I was so looking forward to attending, as it was my vacation for the year. Tom had to stay home and keep the "fort" under control.
The entire Bellatak Dream Team was in attendance as we have been for the last few years. It is always fun to be with everyone. I enjoyed myself even before the final day.
For the 3rd time, never to have been done before by anyone in the Havanese breed, a Bellatak Havanese won the 2011 HCA National Specialty. Judge James Reynolds pointed at GCH CH Bellatak McDreamy to be his winner! What a thrill and this time I was able to sit ringside! I could never sit ringside when Vallee (CH Bellatak My Funny Valentine) was in the ring. Dreamer winning meant that Bellatak retired the Havanese Club of Southern California Perpetual Trophy! I still am pinching myself to be sure all of this is true! While I always knew that Dreamer was structurally correct to the Havanese standard, it is nice my belief in him was once again confirmed by a prestigeous judge like Mr. James Reynolds. His choices remained very consistent from WD to WB and BOS, as they were all very similar in type and style. The Dream Team made it happen! Thank you, John Oakes, Carole Shea, Jane Samson, Tom Patrick and David Murray.

Something I think you ALL would like to buy can be found by clicking on this link. You will not only want one for yourself, but you should buy a lot to give as gifts since the Holiday's are just around the corner. http://havanesetalk.tumblr.com/ So BUY, BUY, BUY! All proceeds go to Havanese Club of America.
Congratulations! I always enjoy watching your "kids" in the ring - what a wonderful honor!