Thank you Judge Dr. Klaus Anselm
Today is the beginning of a new year, with new hopes, new challenges, new loves, new friendships, new blessings and so much more.
While I am still dealing with the pain and limitations of having a back injury, I am optimistic there will come a day I am pain free again.
2010 was a great year for Bellatak Havanese, as so many wonderful things have happened. The biggest news if that GCH Bellatak McDreamy, owned by our dear friends, John Oakes, his wife Carole Shea, Jane Samson, and Tom and I, finished the year as the #1 All Breed Havanese. Dreamer is exclusively presented and handled by David Murray. David and Dreamer are a team and the relationship they have together shows in the ring!
Dreamer is the ONLY Havanese in 2010 to be awarded with 2 Best In Shows! Dreamer exudes breed type for a Havanese. He is structurally correct, has correct coat type as well as very black pigment. His coat is naturally a very crisp white and shiny black that doesn't need to be overly groomed for it to be beautiful and correct. His topline has the essential "slight" rise, not appearing like a ski slope which is incorrect. What helps set Dreamer apart though is the same movement his half sister Vallee, CH Bellatak My Funny Valentine, has and his temperament that is special to a Havanese. Needless to say we are all very proud of Dreamer.
Life is good and Tom and I are blessed in so many ways.
Hello I met David Murray when he was showing Dreamer at the recent Napa show. He gave us his e-mail and cell phone. Which I unforuntely lost. He was going to help us find a Tibetan Terrier, after he got back from Westminster. My HOME E-MAIL IS DOWN RIGHT NOW, BUT IF YOU HAVE IT COULD YOU PLEASE TO ME A FAVOR AND CALL ME COLLECT. Teddy Baxter-Easley 925 455-1404 or you can use my husbands e-mail which is Thank you so much. Teddy Baxter We are really looking forward to getting a dog and showing it. I have shown and finished 5 dogs one SDHF and one OD Golden Retrievers. Reason for aquiring new breed, loved their personalities there looks, their hair, and most of all because of a serious car accident Im on perm. disability and can no longer run and lift the dogs and hugh crate. My new husband John and I have purchased a older RV and have all intentions of finishing her, just not in a position to special. I consider myself a good breeded did all my clearances spent time interview prospective buyers, put most puppies on closed registrations. Chose handlers once they were mature enough and most all my dogs finished fast. So if you can help us find David you would be doing us a big favor and maybe fulfilling a long awaited dream. Best regards, Teddy