Friday, November 27, 2009


Even though I am exhausted from mostly standing in the kitchen yesterday cooking it was well worth it. Everyone said it tasted great, I on the other hand thought it all tasted the same!!! It was great having all the kids home this year. We filled our tummies until we couldn't eat anymore, we played games, drank whatever and just enjoyed "hanging out". Sarah made a delicious hot apple win punch and brought the appetizers.

Having adult children in the retail business we had to discuss the insanity that surrounds Black Friday shopping. We all think it has gotten way out of control and it should not continue. The retailers have control of it. I would much rather enjoy the day relaxing and if I want to shop, do it online!!! I not only save time and gas shopping online, but typically you don't pay for shipping either!

All the furkids enjoyed the day too. The weather was abnormally warm so we spent time outside too. I bought the grandkids these little planes that you fly using a sling shot type thing. They enjoyed them and so did all the adults. We had a contest (once grandma figured out how to make them work) to see who could get their plane to fly the farthest. Would you believe it was the youngest member of the family, the 5 year old that won!!! Who would have thought that a $1.99 set of 3 planes would be so entertaining for everyone??!!

My sister and her family came up to mom's and cooked at her house. I had hoped we all would be able to go over for dessert, however, the grandkids wanted to also go to their other grandma's and I was so exhausted it just didn't happen.

I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving.

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