Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday, my Friday!

Not a lot to write about tonight.

Work was better today maybe in part because I scheduled to get off early. However, as typically happens, I wasn't able to get to all the things I had hoped to accomplish. I did order some new crate pads for winter. They look nice, plush, soft and will be warmer for them. The old ones needed replacing.

Ollie and Bugsy spent the day here as their mommy had to visit one of her stores in the Bay Area. Ollie is all well and eating the raw like the rest of the crew now. He had not seemed interested in it until yesterday when I fed him some of what I had made. Today he ate both the homemade version and the Natures Variety and seemingly enjoyed both. We hope this pattern will continue, that boy needs some meat on his bones!

Well, a couple of you asked for pictures of Sadie and here she is! My son told me today she is no longer in the lazy, shy mode she seemed to be in since they picked her up last weekend (which had my son a wee bit concerned but I told him she was just adjusting to the change). Nope, she is a normal, active, happy puppy!!! I love it when I am right. I just love her face!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW, Vallee's picture from the Dixon show is awesome! She is soooo gorgeous and is what Havanese should be. She sure has attitude...look at her posing...little Miss Priss! congrats Kathy! I'm so happy for you!
