I can't believe how fast time flies by these days! As I get older, the time just is not slowing down, but rather going by faster it seems.
Since I last posted a lot has happened both in the dog family and in the human family, but I won't bore you with all of the happenings, just some highlights.
Dreamer continues to be shown this year, but a little more selectively. He is still the #1 All Breed Havanese. Dreamer went to Colorado in April and came home with back to back Best In Shows and about 3000 dog defeated points! Thank you to Judges Mrs Claire Kitty K. Steidel and Dr Anthony D DiNardo for awarding these prestigious wins to our Dreamer. This makes 5 BIS's for Dreamer and a total of 7 BIS's for Bellatak Havanese, which makes this the breed record.

Last year, when Dreamer won the 2011 Havanese Club of America Specialty, that meant that I as one of his owners also won and retired the HCSC (Havanese Club of Southern California) Perpetual Trophy for being the first Havanese owner in the history of the breed to have owned 3 National Specialty winners. Vallee won twice and Dreamer won last year, both of which I bred. I was so honored winning that trophy! In April, I decided to re-donate it back to the HCSC in honor of MBIS & MBISS CH Bellatak My Funny Valentine (Vallee) and MBIS & MBISS GCH CH Bellatak McDreamy (Dreamer) to continue to be offered again for the owner of 3 National Specialty winners.

In May, our youngest child graduated from High School. He along with his 19 year old brother will both be attending college in the fall. Tom and I are very proud of all of children!
June begins with the "Favorite Movies" litter turning 6 months old. Brisa, Bellatak Gone With The Wind, made her debut in the conformation ring and had a great time! She almost shows herself, but don't tell her mom, Amanda that! I foresee Amanda and Brisa accomplishing great things in the future in the conformation ring, at home and in performance events!